Super Seamarue #2 The Underwater Menace

one day i was just chilling out on the beach-

but then i decided i would go to the ski village. i went there and i saw the entire place UNDERWATER

then this yellow fish came up and said-

so i went to the light house and guess what? IT WAS UNDERWATER TOO!

so i swam into this fancy gate thingy-

and i ended up in an underwater maze

i kept looking for a way out but i was getting more and more lost instead!

after hours of wandering around without a purpose, i lost my mind and started talking to a statue.

but then i found the exit!

i walked through the gateway and saw an epically epic room!

i pretended i was in jail-

when i saw this cracked window-

then i saw the sunken sub-

but then i saw this crab-like shadow-

but then the submarine hit me! and a crab was driving it!

with a whirl, i transformed into SUPER SEAMARUE!

then i ate it.

then i burped

then i sat on the throne-

then  i went POOF and ended up in a secret rom full of treasure FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!


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