
hey guys!!!

here are all the guides for clubpenguin!

EPF penguin

First, login and click on your spy phone. The Elite Penguin Force message will appear.

Go to the facility by clicking Go there. Once there, a camera will focus on you and the phone will ring. Click on the phone. Once you click on the phone, a red target will appear. Throw a snowball at the target by pressing T on your keyboard, aiming with your mouse at the target, then clicking to throw.

A television will appear. Read what it says about wanting agents. After a few slides, it will ask to walk to the green square.

The next direction is to walk to the red square in the Elite Penguin Force room.

Then you must hide your penguin from the camera. To do this, walk underneath it.

Then a cage trap will be made. Don’t walk to the blue square when the television in the room asks you to.

You will then have passed the test to be an Elite Penguin Force agent! You then can go into the elevator on the right.

Once entering the room, a notice will appear saying that you have been equipped with an Elite Spy Phone at the bottom left of your screen.

Here is a picture of the Elite Spy Phone from Club Penguin:

The following list shows what all of the Elite Spy Phone tools do:

  • Teleport: Allows you to instantly go to any room on Club Penguin.
  • EPF field op medals: allows you to purchase epf equipment (most of it is only for members)
  • Field Ops: takes you on miny missions
  • Recruit: Provides details that you can send a postcard to get new agents.
  • Elite Puffle Whistle: Members with Herbert’s Revenge can use the whistle to call an exclusive Elite Puffle at any time.
tour guide

Here’s how to become a tour guide on Club Penguin:

1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
2. Go to the Ski Village.
3. Click on the Tours stand.


4. Click on “Would you like to become a tour guide yourself? Click here for more details” at the bottom of the tour guide sign.

Take a tour

5. Click on “Take the quiz.
6. Use the answer key below of the possible questions on the tour guide quiz:

How many sled-racing courses are there?

How does the pink puffle play?
Skips with skipping rope

What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?

What day does the newspaper come out?

Which of these games has a shark in it?
Jet pack adventure

What color of puffle can catch on fire?

How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?

What is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of bean counters?

In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times?
Boiler Room

What is the name of Captain Rockhopper’s ship?
The Migrator

Which of these rooms does not have a game in it?

Which room has a cuckoo clock?
Ski Lodge

How do you get a pin?
Click on it

Which of these places doesn’t have music playing in the background?
Pet Shop

7. After passing the quiz, you will receive a tour guide hat.

receive tour guide hat

8. Finally, you will given the tour guide manual.

tour guide manual

You can now give tours on Club Penguin!

underwater hidden key in puffle rescue

Here is how to unlock the Hidden Key by playing Puffle Rescue:

1. Use your map and go to the Mine Shack

2. Walk to the Mine

3. Play Puffle Rescue

4. Select the Black Puffle Mission

5. Get the black puffle by going a little upwards in the water.

6. Follow the squid and it will lead you to the Hidden Lake. Be sure to go above bubble’s to save yourself from drowning.

7. Once you have finished the level it will lead you into the Hidden Lake. You are now able to pick up the Key:

rockhopper’s friendship bracelet and key to the captains quarters

You can get a free Rockhopper Bracelet! You can wear this bracelet, and it’s pretty cool! Here’s how to find it:

1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
2. Go to the Town.
3. Go to the Coffee Shop.
4. Go to the Book Room.
5. Click on Rockhopper and the Stowaway.


Here is what the cover of Rockhopper and the Stowaway looks like:


Here’s how to find Rockhopper’s Friendship Bracelet:

1. Go to the last page of Rockhopper and the Stowaway.
2. Click on Rockhopper’s Friendship Bracelet.


Congratulations, you’ve found Rockhopper’s Friendship Bracelet!

Rockhopper has given away his key, and has hidden it! You can use it to get into the Captain’s Quarters or wear it as a pin! Here is how to find Rockhopper’s key:

1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
2. Go to the Town.
3. Go to the Coffee Shop.
4. Go to the Book Room.
5. Click on the Book Shelf.
6. Click on the Journal of Captain Rockhopper.


Here is what the cover of the Journal of Captain Rockhopper looks like:


Here’s how to find Captain Rockhopper’s key:

1. Go to the last page of the Journal of Captain Rockhopper.
2. Click on Captain Rockhopper’s key.



Congratulations, you’ve found Rockhopper’s key!

card jitsu

Ninja were just a rumor for a long time on Club Penguin. Many penguin wanted Club Penguin to have ninjas. Their wish came true in November 2008.  Ninjas and a new game called Card-Jitsu was released.

Right before ninjas were released in Club Penguin, there were ninja sightings that hinted that ninjas were coming. At the Halloween Party 2008, lightning would flash and there would be ninja shadows in the Dojo windows. Later, construction started in the Dojo.

There was a poster that would show up in the Dojo if you clicked a few light bulbs. If you clicked the N on the Nightclub sign in the town, a ninja shadow would appear. Other shadows were also seen around Club Penguin including in the Ski Lodge, Ski Hill, Lighthouse, Dojo, Plaza, Gift Shop and the old HQ.

Card-Jitsu messages were also hidden in the Club Penguin Times newspaper. In a Penguin Style catalog, a penguin was standing holding a shovel but the his shadow was the shadow of a ninja.

You can become a ninja on Club Penguin by playing Card-Jitsu at the Dojo. Here’s the Club Penguin cheats guide to becoming a ninja. Follow it carefully, and you will be a ninja in no time!

Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Cheats

1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
2. Go to the Dojo Courtyard.
3. Talk to the Sensei in the far right corner of the Dojo. The Sensei will give you a free starter deck for Card-Jitsu.

next to sensei

4. When playing Card-Jitsu, use card type and number to beat your opponent’s cards. Use this chart for help.

  • Water cards beat fire cards.
  • Fire cards beats snow cards.
  • Snow cards beats water cards.


  • When they are the same type, the higher number wins.
  • If the card played right before the current card had a number 10, the card with the lower number wins.

There are two different ways to win in Card-Jitsu.

1. Get all 3 types of cards (each must be a different color).
2. Get 3 cards of the same type (each must be a different color).

Club Penguin Earning Ninja Belts

In Card-Jitsu, you receive ninja belts for winning games. This chart shows how many wins are needed for each belt.

White belt – 5 total wins needed.
Yellow belt – 13 total wins needed.
Orange belt – 21 total wins needed.
Green belt – 30 total wins needed.
Blue belt – 40 total wins needed.
Red belt – 52 total wins needed.
Purple belt – 64 total wins needed.
Brown belt – 76 total wins needed.
Black belt – 88 total wins needed.

Here is a chart with a picture of all the ninja belts.

ninja belts

The chat above only applies in competition mode.

Club Penguin Playing the Sensei

Once you become a black belt ninja, you may play the Sensei in Card-Jitsu in Sensei Mode. It will take at least 8 times to beat the Sensei. Once you win, you have access to the Ninja Hideout.

Here’s how to get to the Ninja Hideout:

1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
2. Go to the Dojo Courtyard.
3. Click on the Ninja Hideout door.

hideout door

Here’s what the Ninja Hideout looks like:


You can buy items from the Martial Arts catalog like the ninja suit and much more. If you dance with the ninja suit and the ninja mask from the Sensei, you become invisible!

transparent ninja

The Martial Artworks catalog items are available for members only. Let me know if  you are a ninja on Club Penguin.

card jitsu fire

1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
2. Go to the Dojo Courtyard.
3. Go to the Ninja Hideout.
4. Go to the Volcano by clicking on the tomb and going through the door.

5. Talk to the Fire Sensei. Sensei will give you the fire deck for Card-Jitsu fire.

Card-Jitsu fire is all about the number of the card. When playing Card-Jitsu fire, select one of the center stones. It will give you a number of 1-6 which will then give you an option of which type of card you want to play.

  • If you lands on water, ice, or fire then it will be a water, ice or fire battle. In this case, always choose the highest number of the card type chosen.
  • If two penguins land on the same stone, or the stone has two Card-Jitsu cards on it, there will be a regular Card-Jitsu battle. In this case, choose whichever card you think will beat your opponent.
  • If you lands on the spot with a water, ice, and fire on it then it will be your choice which card type will be played. In this case, choose the type which you have the highest number for.

The object of the game is to make your opponents run out of energy, which can be found on the left side of each penguin icon. You can gain energy by beating an opponent in a 1 vs. 1 Card-Jitsu battle. If you lose a battle, you will lose one energy.

Once you have received your fire ninja deck, you will be able to compete for your fire ninja outfit. To do this, click on the “Earn your Fire Suit” option.

On the left side of the Volcano, you will see a legend with all of the Fire Ninja clothing items.

Remember, you can check the percent you have completed and the next item you will unlock by clicking on the progress bar in the bottom right corner at the Volcano.

Once you have unlocked all of the Fire Ninja items, you will be able to beat Sensei. It may take a couple of times to beat Sensei, but after you beat him you are considered a Fire Ninja.

When you have completed the journey of becoming a Fire Ninja, you will be able to do the Fire Ninja dance. To do this, put on all of the Fire Ninja clothes and press D to dance.

Let me know if this guide helped you become a fire ninja on Club Penguin!

card jitsu water

To start playing Card-Jitsu Water on Club Penguin, follow the simple instructions below. Note: You must be a member to play Card-Jitsu Water!

1. Login Club Penguin
2. Go to the Dojo Courtyard
3. Go to the Ninja Hideout
4. Click on the blue stone on the right of the Ninja Hideout
5. Go inside the Card-Jitsu Water entrance

Now that you are inside the Water Dojo, talk to The Water Sensei located at the top of the Water Dojo. Once you reach Sensei, click “yes” to start talking to him.

Before beginning playing Card-Jitsu Water, you will automatically get the Card-Jitsu Water Starter Deck added to your account. Once you’ve completed this, there will be 3 categories you can choose from:

  • Earn Your Water Suit
  • Challenge Sensei
  • Instructions

Click the “Earn Your Water Suit” button to begin playing Card-Jitsu Water.

How to play Card-Jitsu Water:

Card-Jitsu Water is all based on how high the number of your card is. When playing, you will have to pick a card that is moving at the bottom of your screen. Once you’ve picked a card, use it to get rid of it’s opposite element or use it to start getting rid of it’s opposite element. Sometimes it takes longer to get rid of the opposite element because it’s stronger than others. Having a power card will help you win matches faster and easier because it destroys it’s opposite element faster. If you are confused of what I am saying, here are examples:

  • Throwing level 2 – 5 water on a weak fire = Fire disappears
  • Throwing level 2 – 5 fire on a weak snow = Snow disappears
  • Throwing level 2 – 5 snow on a weak water = Water disappears
  • Throwing level 2 – 5 water on a medium fire = Fire almost disappears
  • Throwing level 2 – 5 fire on a medium snow = Snow almost disappears
  • Throwing level 2 – snow on a medium water = Water almost disappears
  • Throwing level 9+ water on a strong fire = Fire disappears

There are many more options, but the options listen above are to help you understand what eliminates what. Once you get rid of an element in front of you, your penguins will automatically move up one spot. The first penguin to reach the top of the waterfall without falling off is the winner of the the match. The winning penguin will hit the gong and a giant waterfall will knock out all the other penguins. If you are one of the penguins that are knocked out by the waterfall, you will be placed according to how close you were to the top.

After winning a certain amount of Card-Jitsu Water games, you will earn a Water Ninja item. Here is the legend of the Water Ninja items and how long it takes to earn each one:

  • Wave Sandals (8 – 10 wins)
  • Waterfall Coat (25 – 30 wins)
  • Torrent Mask (55 – 60 wins)
  • Helmet of Oceans (95 – 105 wins)
  • Water symbol to Amulet (Defeat Sensei)

Once you’ve earned the Helmet of Oceans, you will be capable of defeating Sensei. If you challenge him before you earned the Helmet of Oceans, Sensei will basically walk through every element and win in less than 10 seconds. Don’t forget that you can check your progress to see how close you are until the next achievement by clicking the 3 Card-Jitsu Cards in the lower-right corner!

Finally, when you have earned all of the Water Ninja items you will be able to do a special Water Ninja dance on Club Penguin! To do so, wear the Wave Sandals, Waterfall Coat, Torrent Mask, Helmet of Oceans, Amulet (with the water symbol) and click the D key on your keyboard. It will look like this:

Let us know if this guide helped you become a Water Ninja on Club Penguin!


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