Author Archives: philbob9909

Official CP Retirement

Well, this is it.  I am retiring from CP Blogging.  I remember once I said I would post on this site during the summer when i had a chance, but I really am bored of CP.

I have been blogging for 1.25 years, and though I like blogging, I am bored and uninterested in CP anymore.

So this is it!  My youtube may soon be active with vids of MInecraft(BEST.GAME.EVER.), and you may see me on CP during certain parties, but…well…


So, for the final time,


ex-CP Blogger.

Happy New Year from Philbob9909

I just want to say… its been a great year.

So firstly, I want to say Happy New Year!

Lots of good things happened to me!  I joined Starwarsrox1’s site!  I made my own site!

CP had some great events too!

-Defeating of Herbert (for now)

-Beta Team

-Brown Puffle


-Puffle Launch

So some thanks are in order!

First to Club Penguin-  Thanks for a great year, cool stuff, and lots more to come!

Second- To fans, of CP, this site, and me myself!  You give me, us, CP and the Internet great ideas and inspirations, so thanks!

Third to my CP friends- Seamarue98, Starwarsrox1, Piggyjo, Bartman225, Pat302, iLake, 1erg, quiexcp, Crashzxz, richieking, Derek915, at709, Colorbird10, Andre1425, Danny78901, Pafe25, Nenecookie, Blue Fair, Spyguydx, and Pinky67576.  You all are great people and friends of mine so thanks for every thing!


2011 was a great year….


2012 can and WILL be better!

Thanks for everything!


CardJitsu Party over

Well, the Party ended…


New Stuff

HEY GUYS! I’M BACK!!!!!!!!

So heres some new stuff-

Club Penguin has released a new series of their plush toys. Here’s a pic-

This series features a-







I think that is really cool!!


Next Party

I just found out the next CP Party will be the Card Jitsu Party. 

There is a new login screen-

Nonmembers can play CardJitsu Water and Fire!  Sounds fun!


New Field Opp

There is a new Field Opp

These are the instructions

The FO is over by System Defender


New Pin

Here it is, and it is found at the Hidden Lake


New Message

Here it is-

Cool!  But not cool, Klutzy got away…


Nyan Puffle P2

That is the link to the new Vid on Youtube, Nyan Puffle P2, by Happy77

You can also vote for the next vid.  I voted for No. 3.

Ok well adios…


New items in the Ticket Booths

Today Cp added some new items in the Ticket Booth So, I can’t wait to buy the new items!
