Admin Profiles


I am the site owner. I’m an older penguin that was made in 2006, so i’ve been a penguin for 5 years. I go on cp 3-7 times a week, and more during a party. I have 5 penguins- Seamarue98, Bob 9258, Seamarue1998, Seamarue23, Seamarue08: my main one is Seamarue98. I run 3 websites at the moment, and i have altogether run 5! I normally go onto the servers Frostbite, Berg, or Sleet. I like to go to my igloo, and my favorite games are cart surfer and aqua grabber. i have 168 stamps.



I am 2 years old on CP.  I go on CP 3-7 times a week (more during a party) and go on Frostbite, Berg, and Sleet.



Hi there, guys! If you want to meet me on Club Penguin, I’m usually hanging out with my friends, and I’m usually on servers Big Snow, Berg, Belly Slide, and Blizzard, and Sleet at the Dock. My user name is Colorbird10.

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