Monthly Archives: July 2012


hey guys

its seamarue98. im done with clubpenguin, and so im thanking every single one of my fans of this site. THANK YOU so much for always staying here and following in my clubpenguin flippersteps.

i love clubpenguin, but im done with it. in my opinion, it has been getting worse ever since disney took over 😦

right now, im really addicted to this game called minecraft. its a fun game of creativity which i think you would like it too


signing off for the last, final, and xtra last time,



founder and runner of

ex-cp blogger

minecraft addict

awesome person who is friends with philbob9909

Official CP Retirement

Well, this is it.  I am retiring from CP Blogging.  I remember once I said I would post on this site during the summer when i had a chance, but I really am bored of CP.

I have been blogging for 1.25 years, and though I like blogging, I am bored and uninterested in CP anymore.

So this is it!  My youtube may soon be active with vids of MInecraft(BEST.GAME.EVER.), and you may see me on CP during certain parties, but…well…


So, for the final time,


ex-CP Blogger.