Site is Going Neutral

hey guys!

its Seamarue98. Now, I know i haven’t been updating this site much for awhile now, and i am getting very bored with clubpenguin. I might start up the site again during the summer months, but i doubt it. I have taken an intrest in Minecraft, which is a epic game of creativity. You have to buy it though, about $27, but its worth it. Now, this might be my last post, but, if it isnt, keep visiting my site during the summer for any updates!

thanks. you guys that have stuck with me since i made this site over 1 year ago (may 3, 2011). I loved doing this, and i will say one last thing.


Waddle On CP!

-Seamarue98   🙂

About seamo98

i love minecraft im an experienced blogger (ive worked on 12 blogs at one time) and i want to share "my" minecraft knowledge with every other minecrafter!!!

Posted on May 23, 2012, in seamo98. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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