Monthly Archives: March 2012

New Play

Club Penguin Quest For The Golden Puffle Play Cheats

Here is what the stage looks like for this play:

Club Penguin Quest For The Golden Puffle Play Cheats

And aswell as all of this, Club Penguin have also updated the script and catalog like always. There is only one cheat in this catalog. To purchase the Crook and Frail click the Golden Puffle.

Club Penguin Quest For The Golden Puffle Play Cheats


Field Ops #73

1. Click on your ringing spy-phone and go to the EPF command room.

Club Penguin Field Ops #73 Cheats

2. Now waddle over to the yellow board and accept this field-ops assignment.

Club Penguin Field Ops #73 Cheats

3. Now head over to the dance lounge.

Club Penguin Field Ops #73 Cheats

4. Click on your ringing spy-phone for your instructions on the puzzle.

Club Penguin Field Ops #73 Cheats

5. Once you’ve successfully completed the puzzle, you should receive your medal.

Club Penguin Field Ops #73 Cheats



Newspaper #334

Club Penguin Times Issue #334

Rookie has also submitted a story where he talks about Orange Puffles and where they came from.

Club Penguin Times Issue #334

And, last but not least, Club Penguin have updated the Upcoming Events section.

Club Penguin Times Issue #334

The Upcoming Events are as follows:

  • March 29 – April Fool’s Day Party
  • April 5 – Penguin Style Catalog
  • March 22 – New Pin


Puffle handler stamp and bg

Club Penguin Puffle Handler Stamp and Playercard Background

This is PH’s background:

Club Penguin Puffle Handler Stamp and Playercard Background


Puffle Party Cheats

The Puffle Party 2012 is finally here! There are so many rooms re-decorated, a new catalog, and this time for the Puffle Party, you can become your puffle! Here is the Puffle Poster that you can see when you first login to Club Penguin:

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Cheats

First off, we’re going to show you the re-designed rooms, they look fabulous!

Room 1 – Town:

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Cheats

Room 2 – Forest

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Cheats

Room 3 – Plaza

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Cheats

Room 4 – Ski Village

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Cheats

Room 6 – Ski Lodge (Puffle Playzone, this is where you can become your own puffle)

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Cheats

These were the most decorative and re-designed rooms! Now we move on to stamps.

The first stamp you can earn is by meeting PH (Puffle Handler) during this Puffle Party:

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Cheats

The second stamp can be earned by going up to the Beacon and throwing a snowball into the green puffle’s mouth with a target, the stamp you get is Food Fight.

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Cheats

These are the stamps you can earn.

There is a new catalog only available during the Puffle Party, in the Ski Lodge. Check it out below:

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Cheats

This is the only page in the catalog. Which color puffle did you get?

Now, the time all you guys have been waiting for, free items! The first free item can be found at the Town, it’s a Polkadot Hat:

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Cheats

The second free item you can find is at the Ski Lodge or Plaza. I picked this item up at the Ski Lodge. It’s a Mini Polkadot Hat, for your puffle.

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Cheats

The last free item, since people were disappointed there was going to be no St. Patrick’s Day Party, at the Mine, Club Penguin added the St. Patrick’s Day Hat:

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Cheats

These are all the cheats for the Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012.


Puffle Handler Tracker

This is a sticky post. Get the latest cheats below!

Rookie Tracker

How to find Rookie 

Here is a picture of Rookie’s player card from Club Penguin:

Rookie Tracker

Here is a picture of the background that Rookie will give you if you find him on Club Penguin:

Rookie Tracker

Below are many accurate tips to find Rookie on Club Penguin:

1. Rookie usually logs into the crowded servers during popular hours of the day. (9:01 AM PST – 8:00 PM PST) Rookie visits the less crowded servers during hours when less penguins are online. (8:01 PM PST – 9:00 AM PST)

2. Rookie can only be found in the rooms of the Box Dimension and ONLY occasionally does he visit other rooms such as the Snow Forts.

3. Like every other Club Penguin Mascot, Rookie does attend to take breaks. When he has not been found by anybody in the last 10 – 20 minutes, he is most likely temporarily offline.

4. To avoid thinking another penguin is Rookie, Rookie is a green penguin with red sunglasses and a red propeller hat.

5. When logging in Club Penguin, always look for a crowd. If there’s a large crowd in the middle of the room, there is a big chance Rookie in that room. If there is a large crowd that’s trying to get into another room nearby, it’s possible that Rookie is in the following room.

6. A quick way of knowing if Rookie is in the room is to go to the bottom of your Buddy List and click on the “Penguin’s in room” button (located next to the smiley face). Then, scroll down until you are in the section whose penguin name’s start with “R”.

7. Rookie attends to change server every 10 – 15 minutes, but keep in mind he is usually on several servers at once so make so to always refresh the tracker above.

8. Finding Rookie takes a lot of patience. The best way to find Rookie is to track with friends by either using Twitter, Chats, Forums and by adding penguins!

9. Always look for servers that are in the 3 – 5 full range (depending how popular Club Penguin is at the time). If there is a server that is usually not popular but is suddenly at 4/5 green bars or is full, then there’s a big chance Rookie is on that server.

10. Visit Club Penguin Trackers for the official Rookie tracker. The page will load faster, so you can get into the room before it gets full.


New Puffle Party Commercial


New Message from Dot

New Club Penguin EPF Message From Dot

This message reads:

Still no sign of Herbert or Klutzy. I’ll be meeting with the Director this week to discuss what we should do next. G has your orders.


New Home page

Club Penguin Updated Homepage Screen


New Login Screen

Club Penguin Puffle Party Login Screen
