Field Ops #74

Club Penguin Field-Op #74 Cheats

Once accepted, head over to the Hidden Lake. Waddle over to the damaged Aqua Grabber.

Club Penguin Field-Op #74 Cheats

Your EPF Spy Phone will begin to flash green. Click on it and complete the mini game by powering up the chipset.

Club Penguin Field-Op #74 Cheats

You’ll receive a message from Dot once you’ve completed the mini game.

Club Penguin Field-Op #74 Cheats


About seamo98

i love minecraft im an experienced blogger (ive worked on 12 blogs at one time) and i want to share "my" minecraft knowledge with every other minecrafter!!!

Posted on March 23, 2012, in seamo98. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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