April Fools Party Sneak Peek!

It’s about that time in 2012 for the annual club penguin April fools party cheats and it looks like it’s going to be a good one!  From the looks of it club penguin is going to be adding even more rooms to the party this year and another scavenger hunt!

If you didn’t know during the 2012 april fools day party these rooms are actually completely different dimensions. Seriously…  Take a look at a couple of the new rooms being added:

Strange Dimension – This one will probably be a little bit off the wall but if you guys remember the 2011 april fools day party on cp you might of already known that.

Zany Dimension – Again we think this one might be a little goofy too but after this years puffle party what could be wierder then seeing all your penguin friends running around as puffles?

Orange Dimension – I’ll let you take a guess as to what i think this one is going to look like haha… Yep i think it might have something to do with where the orange puffles come from.

Also we have a couple sneak peaks of the item cheats and even a look at the design for the new party!

Here is what looks like is the new 2012 yellow propeller hat which is nice to add to the rest of your April fools hats!

yellow hat « Club Penguin Cheats

Also here’s a sketch by the club penguin designers for the 2012 party on club penguin.

april fools 2012 « Club Penguin Cheats


About seamo98

i love minecraft im an experienced blogger (ive worked on 12 blogs at one time) and i want to share "my" minecraft knowledge with every other minecrafter!!!

Posted on March 22, 2012, in seamo98. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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