New Catalog Cheats

  1. Go to page 3 of the catalog.
  2. Click on the red penguin’s left arm.
    Club Penguin March 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

Orange Pompoms:

  1. Go to page 3 of the catalog.
  2. Click the orange penguin’s left hand.
    Club Penguin March 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

Pink Pompoms:

  1. Go to page 4 of the catalog.
  2. Click the pink puffle in the bottom left corner.
    Club Penguin March 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

Green Pompoms:

  1. Go to page 4 of the catalog.
  2. Click the green penguin’s tongue.
    Club Penguin March 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

Blue Pompoms:

  1. Go to page 5 of the catalog.
  2. Click the yellow penguin’s mouth.
    Club Penguin March 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

Yellow Pompoms:

  1. Go to page 5 of the catalog.
  2. Click the bottom right corner of the ‘Only available’ banner.
    Club Penguin March 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

Purple Pompoms:

  1. Go to page 6 of the catalog.
  2. Click the purple penguin’s playercard.
    Club Penguin March 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

White Pompoms:

  1. Go to page 6 of the catalog.
  2. Click the white puffle.
    Club Penguin March 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

Brown Pompoms:

  1. Go to page 7 of the catalog.
  2. Click the brown puffle.
    Club Penguin March 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

Black Pompoms:

  1. Go to page 7 of the catalog.
  2. Click the black penguin’s right arm.
    Club Penguin March 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

Brown Shoes:

  1. Go to page 8 of the catalog.
  2. Click the purple penguin’s beak on her playercard.
    Club Penguin March 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

The Trend, Classy T-Shirt, Red Cotton Scarf, Silver Watch and White Dress Shoes:

  1. Go to page 8 of the catalog.
  2. Click the yellow puffle.
    Club Penguin March 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

Viking Helmet:

  1. Go to page 9 of the catalog.
  2. Click the tip of the paintbrush.
    Club Penguin March 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats
  3. Open and close it 3 times to unlock the Blue Viking Helmet.


About seamo98

i love minecraft im an experienced blogger (ive worked on 12 blogs at one time) and i want to share "my" minecraft knowledge with every other minecrafter!!!

Posted on March 2, 2012, in seamo98. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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