Monthly Archives: November 2011

New Party Item Tracker

hey guys!

i made a new party tracker, the 2nd of its kind (i got the idea from starwarsrox1)

check it out-

cool huh?






if you want to find him use Cena12121’s tracker chat (which occasionally has foul language but works well)-

Get Cena12121 chat group | Goto Cena12121 website


c ya!


Two new ninja things!

hey guys!

now, i’m sure you have seen my new post about me being a fire AND water ninja?

well, anyway, here are some new ninja things!

if you receive all the stamps for fire and water card jitsu, these are the pics you get-

and here is what happens when you finish your fire and water ninja things on the ninja hideout floor-

cool huh?

c ya!









My Card Jitsu Memories Video

hey guys!

i made this video so that we may all remember what we did this 2011 card jitsu party!


New Stage theme

****thanks to Peacesign99 and the CPCP team for the pics and text****

To find the Stage, go to the Plaza:

Club Penguin Play: Battle of the Ancient Shadows

This is the stage theme, and what it looks like:

Club Penguin Play: Battle of the Ancient Shadows

Here are the Catalog Cheats:

To find the Snow Monkey costume, click on the cloud in the top left hand corner:

Club Penguin Play: Battle of the Ancient Shadows

This is the only cheat.


New Items Cheat

****thanks to Eric703 and the CPCP team for the pics and text****

The first free item is located at the Town on the bottom left hand corner. It is the Fire Headband.

Club Penguin 2011 Card Jitsu Party Cheats

The next free item is the Water Headband. It is located at the Plaza.

Club Penguin 2011 Card Jitsu Party Cheats

At the Snow Forts, there is a secret passageway into the Ninja Headquarters room, for the water side. To get into the Ninja Headquarters from fire, go to the Dock.In this room, you can battle with other penguins by hitting the targets! You can either be Fire or Water, and if you win, you receive a prize! The prize you will receive is the Water Training Plates or Fire Training Plates, it depends which side you were on.

Club Penguin 2011 Card Jitsu Party Cheats

Like said above, you could also receive the Fire Training Plates.

With these Training Plates, there is a special dance that comes with it. Check that out below.

Club Penguin 2011 Card Jitsu Party Cheats

There are some new entrances to the Ninja Hideout, and you can get there from the Snow Forts.

Club Penguin 2011 Card Jitsu Party Cheats

At the Stadium, there is a new game to play. This game is only available for the Card Jitsu party. This is a game like Card Jitsu, but penguins have to stand on one part of the amulet to unleash the power.

Club Penguin 2011 Card Jitsu Party Cheats


New Homepage screen

Club Penguin Homepage Screen


New Safe Chat Messages

Club Penguin Card Jitsu Party Safe Chat Messages


Sensei Tracker 2011

This is a sticky post and will be removed when Sensei leaves Club Penguin! Get Newest cheats below!

 Club Penguin Sensei Tracker

Sensei Tracker

How to find Sensei 

Sensei Tracker

my chat-

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

Cena12121’s chat-

Get Cena12121 chat group | Goto Cena12121 website

Below are many tips to find Sensei on Club Penguin:

1. The Sensei tracker above is highly accurate and updates the room and server Sensei was last seen in. Click here to refresh the Sensei tracker!

2. Sensei usually logs into the crowded servers during peak hours of the day. Sensei visits the less crowded servers during hours when less penguins are online.

3. Sensei is most commonly seen on Mammoth, Blizzard, and Frozen. Check these servers first. Sensei most commonly is found in exclusive party rooms including the Dojo, Dojo Courtyard, Ninja Hideout, and the Tallest Mountain.

4. Sensei is usually online when he visits Club Penguin, but is not on when Club Penguin support is closed. If you notice a server that usually is not crowded suddenly get crowded, check this server for Sensei.

5. Sensei is a gray penguin with a gray beard, and a brown rice hat. If you find him on Club Penguin, click on him to view his player card.

6. If you do find Sensei on Club Penguin, click on the free gift button on the far right for Sensei’s autographed background.

7. Sensei is always very crowded when he is online. Be sure to check the users in room list instead of searching for his in the room. The users in room list is alphabetized and easier to search through.

8. Sensei changes servers every 15 minutes. This means you will have to find Sensei fast and check this page for updates.

9. Finding Sensei takes a lot of patience. Use my tracker and with some time you will find Sensei. Sensei may be on multiple servers at the same time.

10. For more info on Sensei Club Penguin, read about Sensei on Club Penguin.

11. Visit Club Penguin Trackers for the official Sensei tracker. The page will load faster, so you can get into the room before it gets full.
