Monthly Archives: September 2011

new pins!

hey guys!

there are 2 new pins- the milkshake and the snowcone, which are hidden inn the dojo courtyard and the coffee shop!

cool, huh? cp is giving out 2 pins for the fair at 1 time!


Mobile device

Hey guys!
Im posting on my ipod touch right now….. Anyway, i wanted to say i have a youtube channel! Just click on the youtube button by the twitter button on the header! C ya!

New stories page and a new story!

i have made a new page, Seamarue98’s Stories!



Fair Sneak Peek!

clubpenguin updated their community blog with this fair sneak peek!

but, at the very beginning, if u click the stadium,

a new video of bumper cars at the stadium pops up!

cool, huh?


Puffle Launch app

puffle launch has reached the top 5 in the app store!

its gone up from 16 to 5 in only 2 days! WOW!!!


Ipod Puffle launch pics!!!

hey guys!

i bought puffle launch!!!!!!!!

did you know that you can transfer the coins from the app to your penguin if you have wi-fi? im so happy!!!!!!!

i took lots of pics from puffle launch and i wanted you to see! (by the way, im sorry the pics are sideways, but thats the way the ipod took them!)

cool, eh?



Club Penguin Blog: Club Penguin App Now Available!

Billybob has made a new post on the Club Penguin Blog! This post is about the new app being released. He says that the app is only available for iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone. You can download this app at the app store.

Club Penguin Blog: Club Penguin App Now Available!

I bought this app this morning and it is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



rockhopper’s coming!

Club Penguin: Rockhopper Seen In Telescope!

i can’t wait to see all the new iteams on his ship!


new login page

there is a new login page!

Club Penguin New Fall Fair Background   September 2011

This new background has a ton of new features in it, like the brown puffle!


new newspaper

the newspaper #308 has come out!

Club Penguin Times Issue #308

Club Penguin Times Issue #308

Club Penguin Times Issue #308

Woah! A new puffle act at the Fall Fair? That’s awesome! I’m exited for it.\!
