Monthly Archives: June 2011


Philbob9909 and i will be gone from July 1 to July 8 camping, so in that time my site will most likely be non-updated.


Upcoming new rooms on map?

A few days ago, Club Penguin updated the map with a new and improved animation along with easier navigation around the island. Club Penguin also updated features for penguins who created a new account by adding a new tutorial room called The Lake. You can actually see the Lake if you open up your Map and look in near the bottom right corner.

Club Penguin Cheats Theory: New Upcoming Rooms?

As you can see, the Lake is located around a large empty territory filled with trees. If I zoom out of the photo above, you will see the empty territory is much larger than any other empty territory on the map. Check it out:

Club Penguin Cheats Theory: New Upcoming Rooms?

If Club Penguin already added a new room in the empty slot, what’s stopping them from adding another new room to the empty slot? My theory is Club Penguin will use the empty territory for something important (and cool!) sometime in the future. It could used for a mission, a party room, simply a new room for the island or even something different that will surprise us. What do you think this giant empty slot will be used for?


New Map!

Today CP updated their map, making it more accurate and animated.  Check it out-

there are different catagories-





I really like the new design.  Do you?


Sneak Peak- New Map Update

Today there was a new blog update.  It was by Happy77, and it showed a short video of a new update to the CP Map.

Well, I think the map looks neat because it will be more acurately showing CP, but also it looks confusing because it islarge and has diffentent catagories.

What do you think???


New Message From G

Heres a pic-

If you can’t read it, it says-

New Field-Op tomorrow. Each class lead will be running a training operation over the next few weeks.  Check

           Command Room for orders

I’m glad, because this means we will finnally be able to earn more medals.  I have all the suits so far except Stealth, and i want to finish that one.


I Met Cadence!

Today i met Cadence!  Its a funny story- my sister was on Deep Snow and Cadence just showed up in the Town.  I went online and met Cadence and got the stamp!-


On CP-




I met Cadence too!!!

hey guys

now, like philbob, i met cadence too, but i noticed something about the background!

there are two of them!



there are different backgrounds!

now, i know they do this with rockhopper and the penguin band, but i was just wondering why they would change the 1st background, which is my favorite!


message from G

hey guys

g sent us a new message-

cool huh?


Ninja catalog update

hey guys!

The catalog has some new items. If you go to page 11, you will see The Storm wig and a Lighting Gi.

Club Penguin Martial Artworks Catalog Updated June 2011

If you go to page 12, you will see The Quicksilver wig and the Ink Ceremony Robe. These are for female ninjas.

Club Penguin Martial Artworks Catalog Updated June 2011

On the last page, page 13, there is a Golden Sun Suit.

Club Penguin Martial Artworks Catalog Updated June 2011

I like these new items. I am glad Club Penguin finally updated this catalog.

the new dance-

Club Penguin Golden Sun Suit Special Dance



hey guys!

as i was looking for new music for my igloo, look at the pic below!

pretty cool, eh?

i just made a toon myself!
