
hey guys

sorry about not being here

i’ve been on vacation!

anyway, heres some things!


Attention!  The following info is only a prediction!  Yet, it is CLASSIFIED EPF info.  Go no further if you are not in the EPF

You have been warned-


Firstly, as you all know, there was a picture of Herbert in the recent Whats New Post—-


Well, this is an interesting picture… It looks like they are controlling a certain mechanical beast-

Also here is a secret message to agents from Herbert—-

It can be found in the newspaper by holding the mouse over the word Stealth in the Secrets Section


I have a few  ideas of what may happen-

One- Herbert will use the robot to attack the island

Two- Herbert will cause an earthquake on the island

Three- Herbert will invade and/or attack the EPF before taking out the rest of the island

Four- Herbert will make a new menace for the EPF using the robot dragons…


Another thing I noticed- Herbert is controling the blue dragon head, and Klutzy is in the yellow…

Whos controlling the red?????  Could it be another crab…. Maybe there is a traitor in the EPF!

No matter what, be on the lookout agents- The island is counting on you

Secret Medevil Items

Here it is-

I think they are really cool


About seamo98

i love minecraft im an experienced blogger (ive worked on 12 blogs at one time) and i want to share "my" minecraft knowledge with every other minecrafter!!!

Posted on May 30, 2011, in seamo98. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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