Monthly Archives: May 2011


hey guys

sorry about not being here

i’ve been on vacation!

anyway, heres some things!


Attention!  The following info is only a prediction!  Yet, it is CLASSIFIED EPF info.  Go no further if you are not in the EPF

You have been warned-


Firstly, as you all know, there was a picture of Herbert in the recent Whats New Post—-


Well, this is an interesting picture… It looks like they are controlling a certain mechanical beast-

Also here is a secret message to agents from Herbert—-

It can be found in the newspaper by holding the mouse over the word Stealth in the Secrets Section


I have a few  ideas of what may happen-

One- Herbert will use the robot to attack the island

Two- Herbert will cause an earthquake on the island

Three- Herbert will invade and/or attack the EPF before taking out the rest of the island

Four- Herbert will make a new menace for the EPF using the robot dragons…


Another thing I noticed- Herbert is controling the blue dragon head, and Klutzy is in the yellow…

Whos controlling the red?????  Could it be another crab…. Maybe there is a traitor in the EPF!

No matter what, be on the lookout agents- The island is counting on you

Secret Medevil Items

Here it is-

I think they are really cool


Club Penguin Field Ops #46 Cheats

Club Penguin released a new Field Ops. To start out the Field Ops, click on your spy phone, click “go there”. Once you are there waddle to the yellow screen.

When you are done reading what Gary said, click “Accept Field-Op”. Now, go to the Ski Village and waddle by the HQ.

Your spy phone should start ringing green when your by the flowers, when it starts ringing, click it and click “Engage”.

Nice job agents! You have now completed the new Field Ops! Once you finished this Field Ops, you will have a new message from Herbert.

Hello Agent. Surprised to hear from me? It’s been a while since we’ve spoken face to face. Wondering what I’m up to? I’m sure you are. But you’ll have to wait just a little longer.

I wonder what Herbert is up to now, what do you think he is planning to do to Club Penguin?

New stamps

hey guys

sorry i haven’t been posting a whole lot, so heres a lot!

G sent a message!

hey guys!

G has sent an EPF Message about Herbert P. Bear:

According to Gary: Hmm…We’re still not sure what Herbert is planning, and he hasn’t sent any other messages. Agents, be on full alert this week.

Evidently, Herbert is preparing for an evil plan to strike against the island during the Medieval Party. What do you think?


hey guys!

With Penguin Knights in Shining Armor celebrating the Medieval Party, I thought I’d further discuss what to expect after the Medieval Party and Music Jam (which will be the June Event).

Water Party (2008)

Stormy777 and Graser 8 have been discussing over the past few days what we will see in Club Penguin over the summer. While we are clearly unsure as to what Club Penguin has scheduled on their calendars, we do believe that the Water Party 2011 will be the Summer Kick-Off Party — not the Island Adventure Party. In fact, I heard from Jenna, a Club Penguin Support Member, that she has yet to hear anything about the Island Adventure Party.

Club Penguin held the first Water Party in 2007 and the second in 2008. Unfortunately, the company dismissed the party in 2009 and 2010, launching an Adventure Party (2009) and an Island Adventure Party (2010). I am shooting for a Water Party in 2011 due to the fact that the party has been left in the dust for two years.

Nonetheless, Club Penguin™ Disney Online Studios Canada Inc. is unpredictable; whether they release a Water Party or an Adventure Party is anyone’s guess.

Do you think Club Penguin will hold a Water Party?

Music Jam 2011!

hey  guys!

heres an update for the new music party!

According to Jenna, the Music Jam of 2011 will be the succeeding party of the Medieval Party, not the Island Adventure Party Music Jam (Pizza Parlor)

Thanks for your email. Have you had a chance to check out the Club Penguin Times Newspaper lately? In the current issue, it mentions that a new Penguin Style will be coming out on June 3rd to help penguins get ready for the upcoming Music Jam! It looks like this will be the next event after the Medieval Party!

Speaking of upcoming events, I haven’t heard anything about the Island Adventure Party yet. Where did you hear about this? I’m not sure if this event will be returning to Club Penguin this year, but I think it would be really awesome if it did!

The best way to stay up to date on everything new and exciting on Club Penguin is by checking the What’s New Blog and the newspaper. This is also the place where you can learn if Rockhopper, Cadence, or Penguin Band are planning to visit during upcoming events!

I hope that this has been helpful to you, and that you continue to have a great time waddling around this icy world. Be sure to email us again with any other questions or concerns that you might have. We are always here and happy to help!

Warmest wishes and coldest fishes,

Club Penguin Support

Clearly, Cadence and the Penguin Band will be waddling around the Island for the Music Jam Festival. Unfortunately, the return of the Island Adventure Party in Club Penguin is anyone’s guess, though I’m sure we will at least see a Summer Party 2011 or Water Party 2011. What do you think?

New Catalog sneak peek!

on the medeival party, there are two new iteams below-

cool, huh?

Puffle Plush Toys Series 8

hey guys!

 If you go on toywiz you can find the series 8 puffles.

but, if you notice, the purple puffle isn’t included!

New Message from JPG

Well…  Here it is-

New message from Rookie

hey guys

there u go guys


3rd quest!!!!!

hey guys!

i finally got the 3rd quest cheats!

im also gonna give you quest 1 and 2 again

also, im adding the pin location-

here are the quests below-

Quest 3 – Challenge 1 you must find the right gem that is under a cup. The colors of the gems are red, blue, or yellow. You must find the right gem 3 times, and you do not loose points if you get one wrong. Watch the cups slowly. To confirm your answer go on a platform underneath the right cup before time runs out!

Quest 3 – Challenge 2 you can pick up the free Golden knight suit. In this challenge you must make it to the other side by pressing the buttons in the floor. Press the red button first, then blue button, and lastly the yellow button. You should be able to get across.

Quest 3 – Challenge 3 (Before room) you can pick up the Golden Shield.

Quest 3 – Challenge 3 you must beat the dragons, Blue with the lava above the dragons, red with snowballs and yellow with your golden shield. You can knock the tank of lava over with snowballs. If you need help go to a popular server.

At the end of Quest 3 you can collect the free Golden Armor.

There is also a free item at the light house. The free item is called the Purple Wizard Hat. This item is for members.

For Quest 2 – Challenge 1 you must put out all 4 fires on the torches that the sculptures are holding with snowballs.

For Quest 2 – Challenge 2 you must get the key into the hole. It’s like a maze only you know where your going and the key stops moving when it hits another block.

After finishing Quest 2 – Challenge 2 you will enter a room. There is no challenge in this room but you can pick up a new item, the Silver, Blue, and Gold Horse. Now enter the cave at the end of this room.

Now you enter the last challenge. You must beat the dragon. To do that fill up the barrel by throwing snowballs, then when the cannon button glows green, press it to shoot water. When the dragon’s mouth is open, throw snowballs to put out the fire.

At the end of Quest 2, you can collect free Dragon’s Gold for you igloo. You can get as much of this as you want. You can also collect the Tooth Brush pin in this room also!

For Quest 1 if you already finished that quest, the gate would be already open if not, for Quest 1 – Challenge 1 you must light up all five orbs by waddling on top of the platforms in front of the orbs.

For Quest 1 – Challenge 2 you must throw 50 snowballs at the target. Again, if you already did this quest last year, the gate should already be open. Also you can collect the Silver Staff and Shield at challenge 2.

At Quest 1 – Challenge 3 there is a maze. You can collect the Black Knight Helmet at the beginning of the maze.

To finish the maze you go in the following directions:

  1. Down
  2. Left
  3. Down
  4. Right
  5. Right
  6. Up

These directions will lead you to the end of the maze where you can collect the Black Knight Suit.

im liking the party!

what about you guys???

comment below



hey guys!

i’m about to give you A LOT of cheats for the new party, so listen up!

this is the new catalog in the gift shop-

there’s also a new poll-

  • Dressing up as a knight or princess!
  • Taking on the Knight’s Quests.
  • Exploring the decorated rooms.
  • There’s a party going on? No one told me!”

The choice I chose was “Taking on the Knight’s Quests” because I absolutely love that Club Penguinhas tons of free items in them and that you get to fight and think like a real knight! What choice did you choose?

this is for 2 of the quests

Today, Club Penguin released the Medieval Party. This party has 3 quest this year instead of 2.

For Quest 1 if you already finished that quest, the gate would be already open if not, for Quest 1 – Challenge 1 you must light up all five orbs by waddling on top of the platforms in front of the orbs.

For Quest 1 – Challenge 2 you must throw 50 snowballs at the target. Again, if you already did this quest last year, the gate should already be open. Also you can collect the Silver Staff and Shield at challenge 2.

At Quest 1 – Challenge 3 there is a maze. You can collect the Black Knight Helmet at the beginning of the maze.

To finish the maze you go in the following directions:

  1. Down
  2. Left
  3. Down
  4. Right
  5. Right
  6. Up

These directions will lead you to the end of the maze where you can collect the Black Knight Suit.

For Quest 2 – Challenge 1 you must put out all 4 fires on the torches that the sculptures are holding with snowballs.

For Quest 2 – Challenge 2 you must get the key into the hole. It’s like a maze only you know where your going and the key stops moving when it hits another block.

After finishing Quest 2 – Challenge 2 you will enter a room. There is no challenge in this room but you can pick up a new item, the Silver, Blue, and Gold Horse. Now enter the cave at the end of this room.

Now you enter the last challenge. You must beat the dragon. To do that fill up the barrel by throwing snowballs, then when the cannon button glows green, press it to shoot water. When the dragon’s mouth is open, throw snowballs to put out the fire.

At the end of Quest 2, you can collect free Dragon’s Gold for you igloo. You can get as much of this as you want. You can also collect the Tooth Brush pin in this room also!

Quest 3 – As you know, Club Penguin has a bug and Quest 3 won’t work. The guide will be up shortly when Club Penguin fixes Quest 3.

There is also a free item at the light house. The free item is called the Purple Wizard Hat. This item is for non-members and members.

I really like the Medieval Party! Do you like it?

there is a new glitch for the 3rd one though-this is what the 3rd one will look like-

I’m really sick of these silly glitches, they really ruin the game, don’t you think?  Are you getting this glitch?

As most of us know, the fourth annual Medieval party has arrived to the island. With all of the spectacular rooms and updates, Club Penguin also managed to put together a Medieval-themed home page. Take a look:

If you can’t see the picture above, here is what details are added to it:

  • The Lighthouse is now made a old-time bricks with moss on one side and diamonds on the bottom of it.
  • The town in the background has changed the Coffee Shop into an old Medieval building.
  • The Ski Lodge is now a pink/purple castle for a princess.
  • The Ski Hill how has a black building that looks like it has eyes that are mad.

Overall, I am pretty impressed on how it looks and that Club Penguin actually took the time to add this homepage. What do you think of this update? Do you like or dislike it?

thx guys


New Blog Post

hey guys

there was a new blog post-here it is-

Hello Penguins!
Only a few more days until the Medieval Party begins! You’ve got your costumes ready and your igloos decked out like castles and forts… Check out some of the amazing medieval igloos you’ve showed us:
Matthew 2425.jpg
Great decorating, everyone! We’ll post some more featured igloos on tomorrow’s Reviewed by You.
What are you looking forward to most at the party? Leave a comment and let us know!
Until then… Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on May 19 2011 12:59

What do u think???


Herbert message

hey guys!

new message

If you can not read what he said, it says:

Temper temper, Jet Pack George.

What do you think Herbert’s plan is next in Club Penguin?


Jet Pack Guy Message

Check your messages agents! Jet Pack Guy has sent us a message!  Take a look:

If you can’t read the message it says:

Yo, I KNEW we couldn’t trust you Herbert! I dare you to show your face at the Medieval Party – we’re ready for you anytime, anyplace!

Woah! Jet Pack Guy just INVITED Herbert to the Medieval Party – and I’m glad! It will give us a new challenge! Are you ready?


Club Penguin Field Ops #45

Today, Club Penguin has released a brand new Field Op! Club Penguin Field Ops are mini missions given to us via the Elite Penguin Force once every week and is rewarded with a medal everytime the device has been broken or de-activated. To defeat the device, you must locate it and complete the given puzzle. Here is the complete guide and cheats to the 45th Club Penguin Field Op:

  • Login Club Penguin
  • Click the beeping EPF Phone in the lower left corner
  • Click the “Go There” button

Now you will automatically be transported to the Elite Penguin Force Headquarters, otherwise known as the EPF HQ. To locate the device and begin completing the puzzle, follow the simple steps below.

  • Click on the large yellow screen in the top-right corner.
  • Quickly read Gary the Gadget Guy’s message and click the “Accept Field-Op” button. (Make sure you click the button, or else your EPF Phone won’t beep once you locate the device)
  • Open up your EPF Teleporter and teleport to the cave.
  • Go towards the bottom right corner of the pool at the ed
  • ge.
  • Congratulations, you have now completed the 45th Club Penguin Field Op! Your reward is exactly one medal, which can be used to buy rare Elite Penguin Force gear. So, what did you think of this week’s Club Penguin Field Op. Was it just another ordinary Field Op, or did you find this one more interesting?
  • -Seamarue98


Today if you check your spy phones, you will have a new message from Herbert. Let’s take a look at his message below:

it says:

Mwa ha ha! All too easy! Now that Proto-bumbler is out of the way, I can begin my NEW plan. Prepare “ye fools” for I “cometh” soon
